Understanding the basic anatomy of the hand and fingers is useful in Terms of Use. Each phalanx in a finger is named according to its location. Metacarpal II – Index finger. Adequate strength forms the basis for normal hand function. They are all considered digits. Fingers numbered anatomy. The three bones in each finger are named according to their relationship to the palm of the hand. MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The terms thenar and hypothenar are adjectives referring to the "ball" of the thumb and little finger, respectively. Human fingers normally have a nail at the distal phalanx. Middle segment: Middle phalanx. The first digit is the thumb, followed by index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger or pinky. They are numbered, and each associated with a digit: Metacarpal I – Thumb. Flexors: The collateral ligaments (= parallel connective tissue bands) and volar plate provide much of the stabilization of the MCP joints and IP joints. The final bone, which is smallest and furthest from the hand, is called the distal phalanx. The farthest joint of the finger is the distal inter-phalangeal joint (DIP). This first joint at the base of the finger is called the metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP). Flexor digitorum profundus, inserting onto the distal phalanx. Fingers are one of the most used appendages, and the most delicate, so they are prone to injury. MRI Anatomy of Pulley System The flexor tendons of second through fifth fingers are contained within fibroosseous digital sheaths that extend from the distal palm to the distal phalanges. joint (PIP). many everyday So the thumb is considered a finger for the most part. joint commonly is injured in closed-fist activities and is commonly known as a The fifth digit and smallest of the fingers is the digitus minimus manus. The first bone, closest to the palm, is the proximal phalange; the second bone is the middle phalange; and the smallest and farthest from the hand is the distal phalange. The finger bone segments (the scientific name for the finger bones is carpals) are named phalanges:. The FDS flexes the PIP joint, while the FDP flexes the DIP joint. Finger injuries have the potential to slow down anyone. Dislocation of the PIP joint is a common injury for athletes. In clinical notes the fingers should be identified by name rather than by number: thumb (pollex), and index, middle, ring, and little fingers. It works like a hinge when you straighten your fingers and thumb. Tendons allow fingers to pinch, grasp, grip, and straighten. ©1996-2020 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. The hand also must be coordinated to perform fine motor tasks with precision. The skin of the fingers are supplied by different nerves as follows : Median nerve – palmar surface, tips and nail beds of the thumb, index, middle and half of the ring fingers. See additional information. The thumb does not have a middle phalange. Normally humans have five digits, the bones of which are termed phalanges, on each hand, although some people have more or fewer than five due to congenital disorders such as polydactyly or oligodactyly, or accidental or medical amputations. The proximal phalanx provides the base of the finger, which connects to the intermediate phalanx via the knuckle joint. The thumb does not have a middle phalange. object directly strikes the finger. Ulnar nerve – palmar and dorsal (back of the hand) surface of the other half of the ring finger and the little finger. The first and largest knuckle is the junction Fingers are constructed of ligaments (strong supportive tissue connecting See Additional Information. Flexor digitorum superficialis, inserting as 2 separate slips onto the base of the middle phalanx. The thumb has a distal and proximal phalanx as well as an interphalangeal and MCP joint. This complex structure connects the entire hand to the radius and ulna, facilitates the passage of tendons together with the above mentioned neurovascular structures from the forearm to the hand, and permits us to exploit all its movements. These ligaments keep the finger joints from bending sideways. This The extensor digitorum muscle extends this finger, while the palmarand dorsal interossei flex the finger and move it toward and away from the middle finger. This type of injury makes it hard to squeeze things between the thumb and forefinger. Extensor tendons connect to muscles in the middle of the forearm, then extend through the wrist and hand to each finger, where they form the extensor hood. image collection gallery list. One may also ask, how are fingers numbered in anatomy? The carpals… The cruciate pulleys are located in between each of the annular pulleys and are numbered C0 to C3 with C1 being the most proximal and C3 being the most distal. Match each of the numbered descriptions with the related term in the key. The metacarpal bones articulate proximally with the carpals, and distally with the proximal phalanges. Key: a. buccal c. cephalic e. patellar b. calcaneal d. digital f. scapular 1. cheek 4. anterior aspect of knee 2. the fingers 5. heel of foot 3. shoulder blade region 6. the head 2. The number of digits in mammals varies greatly. The palm includes five metacarpals, and each finger except the thumb contains one proximal phalanx, one middle phalanx, and one distal phalanx. Usually this is caused by falling on one's hand. The picture below is of the annular and cruciate pulleys holding the tendons of flexor digitorum profundus and … Clinically, the annular A pulleys are by far the most important and these are numbered A1–5. bone is the middle phalange; and the smallest and farthest from the hand is the KIN 191B – Advanced Assessment of Upper Extremity Injuries Wrist, Hand and Finger Anatomy The anatomy of the hand is incomplete without understanding the wrist. Each finger has 3 phalanges (bones) and 3 hinged joints; the thumb has two of each. The hand skeleton is composed of 27 bones and is divided into three parts from the forearm to the extremity of the hand. Numbered A1 - A4 (see below). The ringer finger is comprised of three phalanges, or bones, extending from the hand's fourth metacarpal bone. Fingernail: A fingernail is produced by living skin cells in the finger. Flexor tendons are a group of nine long tendons that extend from the forearm through the wrist, splitting up in the palm. They are controlled by muscles in the forearm. The strongest ligament in the PIP joint is the volar plate. Metacarpal IV – Ring finger. Finger fractures may account for and fingers move by the pull of Finger bones are characterized by how near or far they are from the rest of the body. The phalanges refer to the miniature long bones within the fingers. between the hand and the fingers - the metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP). The thumb does not have a middle phalanx. Finger injuries have the potential to slow down anyone. boxer's fracture. Bottom segment: Proximal phalanx Back from Finger Names to Hand Gestures Back to Body Language Homepage In clinical notes the fingers should be identified by name rather than by number : thumb (pollex), and index, middle, ring, and little fingers . Kin 191 B – Wrist, Hand And Finger Anatomy 1. Fingers are essential for completing everyday tasks. Metacarpal III – Middle finger. In this episode of eOrthopodTV, orthopaedic surgeon, Randale C. Sechrest, MD narrates an animated tutorial on anatomy of the hand. The structures that form and move the hand require proper alignment and control in order for normal hand function to occur. The ulnar nerve (C8-T1) supplies all of the intrinsic muscles of the hand, apart from the muscles of the thenar eminence and the radial two lumbricals (these muscles are supplied by the median nerve (C5-T1). Two flexor tendons go to each finger: the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP). At the end of the finger, the distal phalanx provides support to the sensitive pulp of the fingertip. Fingers have a complex anatomy. distal phalange. The phalanges are fourteen in number, three for each finger, and two for the thumb. The thumb doesn’t have a … ; The median nerve supplies sensation to the radial 3 and a half fingers on the palmar aspect, as well as the nail beds. 2. The bone closest to the palm is called the proximal phalanx . Each finger contains 3 joints, more commonly known as knuckles. The volar plate is a fibrous ligamentous structure located at the palmar side of the hand. Flexor tendon injuries are particularly debilitating, as they leave patients struggling with many daily tasks that require either fine motor skills or grip strength, depending on the injury. and François Moutet2 (1) Marseille, France (2) Grenoble, France 2.1 Bone Structure Photo 2.1 2.1.1 Structures The hand is connected to the forearm through the carpal area forming the wrist. Tip segment: Distal phalanx. The digital sheaths are lined by parietal synovium, which is reflected on the surface of the tendon as visceral synovium. eMedicineHealth does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Each finger has 3 phalanges (bones) and 3 hinged joints; the thumb has two of each. The joint closest to the fingertip is called the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP). traumatic injuries seen in an emergency room. A boxer's fracture is a common injury of this joint that can occur when a closed fist strikes a person or object. When fingers joints straighten, they are being pulled by the extensor tendons. bone to bone), tendons (attachment tissue from muscle to bone), and three  They are arranged into annular and cruciate configuration, referred to as the A and C pulleys (Fig. Pulleys The flexor tendons are secured in place by a series of pulleys which are fibrous bands wrapping over the tendons and attaching to the bone. So the thumb is considered a finger for the most part. Finger Anatomy: Fingers are easily injured, and broken fingers are some of the most common Ligaments connect finger bones and help keep them in place. We have 10 fingers and not 8 fingers and 2 thumbs. The index, middle, ring, and fifth digits have proximal, middle, and distal phalanges and three hinged joints: distal interphalangeal (DIP), proximal interphalangeal (PIP), and metacarpophalangeal (MCP). Tendons connect muscles to bones. The hand has a complex anatomy; below is a summary on flexors and extensors of the fingers. This ligament tightens when the PIP joint straightens, and keeps the PIP joint from bending too far back. Dislocations of this joint occur when the finger bends too far (hyperextension) and a bone is displaced from its joint. Each digit is formed by several bones called phalanges, surrounded by soft tissue. The largest joint of each finger lies between the finger and the hand. Extensor tendons have little protection on the top of the hands and wrist, and are therefore prone to injury in this area. up to 10% of all bone fractures. Annular pulleys:which wrap transversely over the tendons. Terms of Use. The anatomy of the finger is complex, but a basic knowledge is necessary to properly treat acute injuries. first bone, closest to the palm, is the proximal phalange; the second Finger Flexors There are 2 flexor tendons of the fingers: 1. Finger bone segments. But beyond this it … The thumb has two knuckle joints. In the horse only the third digit remains, covered at the tip by a single hoof. Nerves of the Hand. The extensor hood covers the top of the finger, connecting to the middle and distal phalanges. Hypothesis: Without the bend small gaps would remain between the tip and the first joint of the fingers unless we press the fingers together with force. According to different definiti… They are all considered digits. injured or dislocated with trauma to the hand. In cattle and other split-hoofed animals, digits three and four remain. The thumb collateral ligament, known as the ulnar collateral ligament, is prone to tearing if the thumb is bent backward. The hand needs to be mobile in order to position the fingers and thumb. The three bones in each finger are named according to their relationship to the palm of the hand. The subsequent bone next to the proximal phalange is the middle phalanx. ©1996-2021 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. activities, they are at higher risk than other parts of the body for traumatic injury, including sports injuries, workplace injuries, and other accidents. A finger is a type of digit, an organ of manipulation and sensation found in the hands of humans and other primates.. ©2018 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. The phenomenon of polydactyly occurs when extra digits are present; fewer digits than normal are also possible, for instance in ectrodactyly. The joints sit in volar plates (collateral ligaments attached to dense fibrous connective tissue), which provide joint stabil… Fingers have a complex anatomy. understanding different types of finger injuries, broken fingers, and how some The knuckles are joints formed by the bones of the fingers and are commonly Cruciate pulleys:which are paired and cross diagon… Ligaments connect finger bones and help keep them in place. Injuries to this joint usually involve a fracture or torn tendon The next knuckle out toward the A finger is a limb of the human body and a type of digit, an organ of manipulation and sensation found in the hands of humans and other primates. The Anatomy and Mechanics of the Human Hand CRAIG L TAYLOR, Ph.D.,1 AND ROBERT J. SCHWARZ, M.D.2 It is obvious to all that the human hand represents a mechanism of the most intricate fashioning and one of great complexity and utility. How many bones are in the hand and how many are in each division -There are 27 bones in the hand (14 phalanges in each hand, 5 metacarpals in each hand, and 8 carpals in each wrist) How are the digits numbered -Numbered 1-5 laterally to medially The body tapers from above downward, is convex posteriorly, concave in front from above downward, flat from side to side; its sides are marked by rough which give attachment to the fibrous sheaths of the Flexor tendons. The middle finger joint is called the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP). Except for the thumb, each finger has three phalanges – the distal (the bone on the tip of the finger), middle and proximal (the bone at the base of the finger) phalanx. Collateral ligaments sit on both sides of each finger and thumb joint, providing stability. Humans normally have five digits on each extremity. All the fingers have 3 phalanges except the thumb which has 2 phalanges. Most often flexor tendon injuries result from accidental trauma. phalanges (bones). home The fingers (or digits of the hand) are numbered from one to five, beginning with the thumb. 15.7). Each consists of a body and two extremities. The radial and ulnar nerv… forearm muscles on the tendons. 2. 11 Surface Anatomy 1. There are no muscles in the fingers; In those with five digits (e.g., primates, raccoons), the thumb has two phalanges; all other digits have three. 1. Each joint rests in a volar plate (a ligament), which helps stabilize the joint. In addition to reading this article, be s… Observation: The bend in the fingers gives the straight hand a more compact appearance so that we can actually tightly close the gaps between the fingers. Normally humans have five digits, termed phalanges, on each hand (exceptions are polydactyly, hypodactyly and digit loss). treatments differ from others. This joint may be dislocated in sporting events when a ball or The digits of the upper limb, the fingers, are numbered from 1 to 5 beginning with the thumb (also known as the pollex). Metacarpal V – Little finger. The pulley system is important for keeping the flexor tendons close to the phalanges to maximize their ability to flex the fingers. home/ image collection a-z list/ finger anatomy picture article. Few structures of the human anatomy are as unique as the hand. The (avulsion) injury. The thumb has 2 phalanges and the fingers have 3. Because fingers are used for The fingers (or digits of the hand) are numbered from one to five, beginning with the thumb. Fingers have a complex anatomy. Finger movement is controlled by muscles in the forearms that pull on finger tendons. fingernail is the proximal inter-phalangeal The first digit is the thumb, followed by index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little fingeror pinkie. Joints, more commonly known as a boxer 's fracture by falling on one 's hand: are! Strongest ligament in the key ( MCP ) a-z list/ finger anatomy.. And keeps the PIP joint is called the distal phalanx provides support to the sensitive pulp of the middle.! Largest joint of each, on each hand ( exceptions are polydactyly, hypodactyly and digit )! Below is a type of digit, an organ of manipulation and sensation in... Over the tendons possible, for instance in ectrodactyly term in the and! And the hand the DIP joint prone to tearing if the thumb collateral ligament is. 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