It makes attacks at a +19 to hit (with power attack) for 3d6+27 damage + 4d6 fire damage. Jasper, Wooden Plate x3, Incense, 4 gold. Only characters with a good alignment can wear Maya's Charm. The Dogcutters carry, Doomspider x2 (Magical Beast 7), Goblin Eagle Eye x2 (Fighter 4, Rogue 4). Cast Dimension Door once a day as a 8th level wizard, Bush in the thunder area, portal between Rotten Cave/ Crooked Teeth, Deals bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage, Appears in throne room chest at some point (Scouting Pitax project? Chest in Lostlarn Keep (visit with Varn after importing Varnhold's Lot save), When you shoot, shoot a reflection arrow at the same target (1d4+ half STR bonus piercing dmg), Cast Aspect of the Falcon 3 times a day as a 1st level druid. This ring grants +1 bonus to AC (deflection), This ring grants its wearer the ability to cast Sickening Entanglement 3 times a day as a 3rd level druid, Each round the first attack this ring's wearer makes using an unarmed strike or natural weapon casts the Greater Dispel Magic spell. 3.2 How do I make it feel more turn-based? The Devas are very tanky given all of their buffs and immunities, so I recommend saving them for last. +2d8 fire damage; holds three small fire elementals that can be summoned once per day. Cyclops (Humanoid 10, Cleric 5), Cyclops x3 (Humanoid 10). It can only be worn by neutral characters, Chest in Brineheart if you side with Darven, This ring grants its wearer a +4 resistance bonus to all saving throws, a +4 deflection bonus to AC, spell resistance 19 and DR 1/-, Given by Irovetti for winning the Rushlight Tournament. Locked Case (Perception DC 25): Handful of Gems x3, Shining Shell, Copper Ring, 12 gold, Scroll of Mage Armor x3. +1 shield bonus to AC; Deals +1d3 frost damage. These enemies have multiple attacks and deal 4d6 damage (plus 4d6 acid damage). This helmet gives its wearer DR 5/bludgeoning and a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Charisma. Acid Pit Trap (Perception DC 20, Trickery DC 20 - 36 exp): If triggered, it requires a Reflex DC 22 to avoid. They make two attacks at +18/+13 (while raging) and deal 3d6+23 and an additional 4d6 fire damage on hit. As a note, the game treats the extra fire damage as an extra source of damage for the enemy’s weapon enhancement bonuses and additional effects. Max Dexterity bonus of +15. These bracers grant their wearer a +1 bonus to Illusion spells' DC, and a +2 bonus to saving throws against Illusion spells, These bracers empower the wearer to use any bow with a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, This cloak grants its wearer a +4 deflection bonus to AC, a +4 resistance bonus on all saving throws, a +4 enhancement bonus to Persuasion checks and +1 bonus to AC against evil creatures. to of and a in " 's that for on is The was with said as at it by from be have he has his are an ) not ( will who I had their -- were they but been this which more or its would about : after up $ one than also 't out her you year when It two people - all can over last first But into ' He A we In she other new years could there ? Wererat (Alchemist 8), Wererat x3 (Rogue 2). Dropped by Darven. On normal mode, they have AC 16, 74 hp, Fort +6/Ref +8/Will +5 saves, DR 10/silver (mithral), and have 3 attacks: a bite with a +9 to hit for 2d6+13 damage and two claws at +10 to hit for 1d8+10 damage. +4 caster level to fire spells (burning arc, burning hands, controlled fireball, fire snake, fireball, fire storm, flame strike, hellfire ray, scorching ray). This bonus increases to +2 at level 12. Clear Quartz, Wooden Mug x3, Wooden Plate, 11 gold, Potion of Invisibility x2. This cloak inflicts a -4 penalty to the wearer's Constitution score. Bastard Sword, Bottle of Oil x3, Pearl x2, 7 gold. +3 Sacred bonus to AC, +3 Attack, +6 Damage. Earth Breaker, Citrine, Shortspear, 1 gold. Alpha Wolf (Animal 7), Dire Wolf x2 (Animal 5). It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. Bloodstone, Bardiche, Clear Quartz, 3 gold, Potion of Aid x3, Timeworn Shard of the Goggles of Night from the Tenebrous Depths, Goblin Alchemist x2 (Alchemist 6, Rogue 1), Giant Spider x4 (Vermin 7). It also allows the wearer to enter Rage as a barbarian for 8 rounds per day. D1) Dire Venomwolf x2 (Animal 5). The wererat carries a. Otherwise, I'd recommend buffing thoroughly and make sure to heal your tank(s) since the enemies like to use Sunder Armor along with their attacks. It also grants immunity to poison, This belt grants its wearer a +3 deflection bonus to AC, Negative Energy Resistance 10, and the ability to cast Banishment once a day as a 13th level wizard, This belt makes 1st, 2nd and 3rd level spells cast by the wearer Empowered and Extended, This belt grants +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. Hidden chest left of Lizardfolk Village walls. It can only be worn by a lawful evil monk, +6 Intelligence +4 Wisdom +4 armor bonus to AC; cast Prediction of Failure once a day as a 15th level wizard, +3 resistance bonus to all saving throws; cast Blindness once a day as a 5th level wizard, Cast up to 6 spells a day, maximized if level 6 or lower, +5 bonus on all concentration checks, and a +10 competence bonus on Perception checks, Chest behind hidden wall, Tenebrous Depths level 7, +4 deflection bonus to AC, a +2 luck on all saving throws; cast Blindness twice a day as a 5th level wizard, +5 dodge bonus to AC and a +1 bonus to unarmed attacks and damage. The owner of this quiver can use it to shoot 20 sonic speed arrows or bolts per day. This amulet grants its wearer a +4 bonus to Trickery, Stealth and Mobility checks. The easiest way to handle this battle is by casting a Stinking Cloud (3) spell or two, as that will incapacitate all of the enemies. This is one of the four items you need to get before fighting the Weary Traveler on this floor! Shock arrows deal an additional 1d6 electricity damage, The owner of this quiver can use it to shoot 20 frost speed arrows or bolts per day. It also grants its wearer a +2 bonus to all spells with fear descriptor DCs, Appears in throne room chest, Trade with the Outer Planes project, This hat grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom. D3) Ferocious Wolf x3 (Animal 2). It summons a monastic deva instead if you use the Knowledge (Arcana) option, Given/Dropped by Blakemoor, Blakemoor's Hideout, Middle of nowhere, You can strike your enemy with this item as a melee touch attack. When this ring's wearer attacks with bombs, they deal an additional 1d6 damage, This ring grants its wearer a +2 luck bonus to Constitution, and the ability to cast Enlarge Person twice a day as a 1st level wizard, This ring grants its wearer a +2 bonus to attack rolls with melee weapons and a +1 bonus to dodge AC, This ring grants its wearer a +8 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and the ability to cast Cleanse 3 times a day as a 9rd level cleric, If the wearer of this ring has the ability to channel energy, it allows them to do it 2 additional times per day, Box in Goblin Fort , Middle right. +4 bonus on all saving throws against the abilities of fey. Those spells are Maximized and Empowered, and ignore spell resistance and magic immunity of the target. On Normal difficulty, they have AC 15 (while raging), 108 hp, Fort +16/Ref +3/Will +7 saves. [CHEX %PARSER=2.13 %FLOATED=19991204 %GENERATED=DR/ALL %BOUND=TRUE] La réponse est peut-être ici ! +4 bonus to CMD +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution; immunity to forced movement effect, slow and tripping. Goblin Dogcutter x2 (Goblin 6), Goblin Dead Eye x3 (Rogue 5, Fighter 4), Goblin Alchemist (Alchemist 6, Rogue 1). All enemies on this floor are Battering Creatures, which means that they can use various combat maneuvers like bull rush or trip on the targets of their attack. Silver Ring, Tongi, Punching Dagger x3, 8 gold, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2. Quickspider x2 (Magical Beast 7), Goblin Lynx Eye x2 (Fighter 4, Rogue 2). ? This +3 sai grants its wielder a +2 luck bonus on Initiative rolls. Hidden Chest (Perception DC 26): Chainshirt, Grinding Stone x2, Pearl, 3 gold. The wererat will use Explosive Bombs for 4d6+5 fire damage to the primary target (Reflex DC 16 for half damage) and 9 fire damage to secondary targets. ステムで、世界で最も英語の苦手な日本人から、最も英語の得意な日本人 … This cloak can only be worn by evil creatures, This cloak gives its wearer a +6 resistance bonus to all saving throws, immunity to fear and confusion effects. The triggering character will die if they fail a Will DC 24 save followed by a Fort DC 24 save. The use of each weapon in Pathfinder: Kingmaker will depend on the proficiency of the character used.. This will affect the target in an unpredictable way, This figurine is capable of summoning a ancient wyvern once a day for 10 minutes. At level 16, the duration increases to 10 rounds. They gain -3 profane penalty to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution, but +2 profane bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, Sold by goblin merchant when leaving Lostlarn Keep Sold by goblin merchant in Rushlight Fields, This necklace gives its wearer DR 10/Good, Dropped by Misbegotten Troll, House at the Edge of Time, Whenever the wearer of this amulet casts a spell with fire, electricity, cold or acid descriptor, that spell deals +1 damage per die, Semi-random artisan reward, Mim Wobblegander - Silverstep, This locket grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and allows them to cast Blessing of Luck and Resolve twice a day as a 3rd level cleric, This locket makes all 0 level arcane spells cast by the wearer become Empowered, Extended, Reach and Maximized, This amulet grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Constitution and a +5 deflection bonus to AC, This pendant grants its wearer a +10 bonus to movement speed. range) are unaffected, Sold by Hassuf in your Capital after upgrading to City, +2 WIS/CHA, +4 sacred bonus vs compulsion effects/poisons. Made from all 16 Ancient Scraps of Script-Covered Leather. Can be used by druids, Positive and negative energy resistance 10; cast Daze once a day as a 1st level wizard, +4 morale bonus on saves against fear effects, Key-locked chest on ramparts of Dwarven Ruins/Trobold, +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution; cast Aspect of the Wolf once a day as a 10th level druid, Cast Fireball once a day as a 5th level wizard and Fire resistance 10, Protection from critical hits and sneak attacks. Composite energy blasts instead deal an additional 2d6/2d6+1, If the wearer of this headband has the ability to Channel Positive Energy, it increases the amount of damage to undead and heal to the living by +1d6, This helmet grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on Perception checks. These bracers also grant an additional +1 bonus on all attack rolls and damage rolls with longbows. I’d recommend keeping your squishies in the S corner or along the SW wall while you have your tanks keep the enemies occupied. Confirms all crits against evil enemies. The legacy of Duthica will not yield its power to the wear, and characters with less than 15 Strength cannot equip it. Greater Werewolf (Fighter 7), Ferocious Wolf x3 (Animal 2). Target vulnerable to electricity for 1 minute on successful hit, Dropped by Lord-Jaeger Tsundar, Bald Hilltop, Ancient Curse 6, On crit, applies the effects of Touch of chaos to the target. (+2 enhancement bonus to Cha, +2 rounds of bardic performance if the wearer has the ability). All enemies on this floor inflict the diseases: 1) Blinding Sickness (Fort DC 16 - 1d4 Str damage and the target must make a second Fort save if it takes more than 2 Str damage or be permanently blinded; frequency 1/day, 2 consecutive saves to cure) and 2) Shakes (Fort DC 13 - 1d8 Dex damage; frequency 1/day, 2 consecutive saves to cure). Return to the Capital for now and come back the next time you're told to return, completing the Act 3 main quest: the Season of the Bloom, Fully Installing the Arcane Unleashed DLC, F. Swamp Road: Technic League Random Encounter, North Narlmarches: Boggard Hunting Grounds, North Narlmarches: Tuskgutter's Lair - Amiri: Prove Your Worth Part 1, North Narlmarches: Glade in the Wilderness, C-2. Made from all 10 Shards of a Knight's Bracers, Storyteller Relic. It can't be equipped by good characters, Hidden clothes pile in your capital after you upgrade to city, house next to Nok-Nok, This belt grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Constitution, and the ability to cast Mass Bear's Endurance once a day as a 3rd level wizard, This belt grants a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength, a +5 competence bonus to Persuasion checks used to intimidate, a -3 penalty to Persuasion checks used for diplomacy. Immune to shaken, +2 to Necromancy spell DCs; Extend Spell (max lvl 6) 4/day, Transforms all wielder's spell damage to fire; +1 caster level; +3 Evocation spell DCs; Maximize Spell (max lvl 9) 5/day, This figurine is capable of summoning a barbtongued wyvern once a day for 10 minutes. They also like to use the spell Holy Aura (8) on their allies, which grants spell resistance 25 against evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures, protection from all mind-affecting spells and effects, and forces evil creatures that make a successful melee attack against them to make a Fort save or be blinded (including Regongar and Jaethal). Illuminate target for 3 rounds on hit (no Invis, -50 Stealth checks, -4 AC). It’s worth casting Enlarge Person (1) on your tank to improve their Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD). While these enemies are higher level than the other Clerics and Raging Cyclops on the map, they are not that much more difficult and are also very susceptible to spells that require a Reflex save. It also increases the DC of all Divination spells cast by the wearer by 1, Chest behind hidden wall in Tenebrous Depths level 14, This helmet enchants its wearer's main weapon with orc bane and goblin bane abilities and its enhancement bonus to AC increases by +2 against the attacks of orcs, giants and goblinoids, This circlet grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and the ability to cast Lightning Bolt at will as a 5th level wizard, This helmet grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on Perception checks, This hat grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. Only lawful characters can equip it, This ring grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus to Use Magic Device checks and the ability to cast Dispel Magic twice a day as a 7th level wizard, This ring grants its wearer a +2 deflection bonus to AC and +3 bonus to saving throws against Conjuration spells, This ring grants its wearer a +1 bonus damage rolls with bows and a +2 luck bonus on lore (Nature) checks, This ring grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma, +4 competence bonus to Stealth and Trickery checks, +4 bonus to attack rolls made to confirm critical hits and a +2 bonus to DC of mind-affecting spells cast by the wearer. The wyvern draws power from the owner of the figurine, and its HD is equal to the summoner's character level, with a maximum of 12 HD, Womb of Lamashtu, chest bottom right room, The owner of this quiver can use it to shoot 20 flaming arrows or bolts per day. Acid bombs launched from this mace deal 3d6+5 acid damage, Semi-random artisan reward, Bokken - Outskirts, Grants fire immunity, +5 bonus on Persuasion checks. K1) Cyclops Cleric (Humanoid 10, Cleric 7). This diadem increases the damage dealt by the wearer's simple energy blasts by 3d6 and simple physical blasts by 3d6+3. +3 resistance bonus to Will saving throws and a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, Cold resistance 10 and a +1 resistance bonus to Fortitude saving throws, +3 resistance bonus on reflex saves and fire resistance 10, +4 resistance bonus to all saving throws and +4 deflection AC, +6 deflection bonus to AC and cast Greater Invisibility on allies up to 20 rounds a day, +4 bonus to saving throws against fire, acid, cold and electricity, and a +2 bonus to AC against Huge and larger creatures. . : You will not be able to advance further at this time. Yet, staring into this gem is dangerous: whenever the wearer uses this ability, they must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom check to avoid seeing something truly unsettling... or worse - be seen by it. L1) Movanic Deva (Outsider 12), Reckless Satyr Bowman (Fey 8, Rogue 7). On Normal difficulty, the Corrupted Weretiger has 18 AC, 103 hp, Fort +14/Ref +11/Will +11 saves, DR 10/silver (mithral), and it makes 3 ranged bow attacks at a +14/+14/+9 to hit for 1d6+13 damage. Jump to: navigation, search. Tenebrous Depths 1st Floor. The ensnared creature takes a -4 penalty to Dexterity, a -2 penalty to both AC and attack, and takes 1d6+5 bludgeoning damage each round. 3 times per day its wearer can peer into it to cast true seeing as a 20th level wizard. Using this quiver grants chances to weaken the target for 1d6 rounds as if it was under Curse of Weakness. convinced her to renounce Urgathoa and spare her daughter, Pathfinder: Kingmaker Walkthrough and Guide, Chest in Castle of Knives. Tenebrous Depths Tenebrous Depths - Part 1 1. Phantasmal Killer Trap (Perception DC 20, Trickery DC 20 - 36 exp). The Huge Elementals make two attacks at a +12 to hit for 2d6+13 cold damage. Received as a gift from the Skjegge clan if you give them the gems in Harrim's quest, This hat grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Charisma and Wisdom, and DR 5/melee, If the wearer of this headband has the ability to Channel Negative Energy, it increases the amount of damage to the living and heal to the undead by +2d6, Box in bandit camp in bottom right corner of Bridge over the Gudrin River. Raging Cyclops x2 (Humanoid 10, Barbarian 2), Cyclops x2 (Humanoid 10). The wyvern draws power from the owner of the figurine, and its HD is equal to the summoner's character level, with a maximum of 20 HD, Elixir of Inconceivable Transmutations of Body, and Soul, and Also Mind, Whoever drinks this elixir will permanently gain a +2 inherent bonus to all ability scores, Semi-random artisan reward, Bokken - Outskirts. Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Unique Items: Weapons, Armour, Shields, Belts, Boots, Gloves, Helmets, Bracers, Cloaks, Amulets, and Rings These enemies do not have particularly high bonuses to their attack rolls, and a good tank should be able to avoid almost all of their attacks. Chest in House at the Edge of Time, behind book puzzle, Semi-random artisan reward, Kimo - North Narlmarches. You won’t be able to access this shrine until after the combat at. He also has a Protective Aura which grants him and his nearby allies a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus to saves against attacks by evil creatures (Regongar/Jaethal/summoned undead). It also grants them immunity to curses, Semi-random artisan reward, Mim Wobblegander - Silverstep. The Doomspider also starts off stealthed (Perception DC 45 to spot). The second cyclops will often get confused and wait for the first to die before approaching. 3.6 How does casting defensively work? Cat's Feral Instincts provide +2 morale bonus on Perception and Lore (Nature) checks. Whenever the wearer receives a critical hit, they become confused for 1d4 rounds, Made from all 12 Melted Shards of a Ring. 20/x2 B Simple Light - 4 ? Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; +6 competence bonus on Perception checks +2 bonus to ranged attack rolls. (wearer’s main weapon gains Orc Bane and Goblin Bane, enhancement bonus to AC increases by +2 vs. orcs, giants, and goblinoids). ? Whenever the wearer of these gloves successfully lands a hit with a melee weapon, an unarmed strike, or a natural weapon, the target takes 1d6 points of acid damage, Manticore corpse inside the portal, Serpent Trail, These gloves grant their wearer +3 competence bonus on all Mobility and Athletics checks, These gloves add +4 to the wearer's caster level when they cast any cure spell, These gloves grant their wearer a +2 equipment bonus to attack rolls made with bombs and their DCs, These gloves grant their wearer a +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws, and the ability to cast Prismatic Spray 3 times a day as a 13th level wizard, These gloves grant their wearer a +5 luck bonsu to Lore (Nature), Lore (Religion), Knowledge (Arnaca) and Knowledge (World) checks, These gloves grant their wearer a +4 bonus to ranged attacks, Chest behind hidden wall in Tenebrous Depths level 6, These gloves grant their wearer a +4 bonus to CMD against disarm attempts. Issili, House at the Edge of Time/Camp at Capital Gates, Up to 5x/day, fire razors, dealing 20d6 slashing damage in a 30-foot cone, +6 enhancement bonus to Charisma and a +2 luck bonus to Will saving throws, Semi-random artisan reward, Shaynih'a - South Narlmarches, Cast Harm 3 times a day as an 11th level cleric, Dropped by Queen Ravena, Mysterious Shrines puzzle, +4, Beguiling, Impervious, Unyielding, Venemous. Failing this check kills the wearer immediately and summons a hostile Thanadaemon. Raging Cyclops x2 (Humanoid 10, Barbarian 2). Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Varnhold's Lot Walkthrough. It imposes a -2 enhancement penalty to Wisdom, -4 competence penalty to Perception checks, -2 resistance penalty to Will saving throws and a -10 all saving throws against traps. Vordakai's Tomb level 2, hidden wall, southmost room, This cape grants its wearer +1 bonus to enchantment school spells DCs, This cloak grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution and the abilit to cast Summon Monster V once a day for 9 rounds, This cloak grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, a +5 competence bonus on all Lore(Nature) checks and the ability to cast Delay Poison 3 times a day as a 3rd level cleric, This cloak grants its wearer acid resistance 30 and the ability to cast Acid Fog twice a day as a 11th level wizard, This cloak grants its wearer a +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws and immunity to poison, This cloak grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on Trickery checks and the ability to cast Expeditious Retreat 3 times a day as a 1st level wizard, This cape grants its wearer a +2 resistance bonus to all saving throws and fire, cold, electricity, acid resistance 15, This cloak grants its wearer a +8 enhancement bonus to Charisma and the ability to cast Energy Drain once a day as a 13th level wizard, This cloak grants its wearer a +5 Knowledge (World) and Knowledge (Arcana) checks, and a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma, This cloak grants its wearer cold resistance 10 and the ability to cast Deep Slumber once a day as a 5th level wizard, This cloak grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to natural armour and +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against poison, sleep and paralysis, Dropped by Silky, Bald Hilltop, Ancient Curse 1, The wearer feels all the weight of the old age. They also deal 4d6 sneak attack damage on flanked/flat-footed targets. Chance to stun the opponent on a successful hit and grants the wielder the ability to cast Sirocco once a day as a 13th level wizard, Deals additional 2d6 fire damage on unsuccessful hit. Cast Lightning Bolt once a day as a 10th level wizard, Dropped by Lizardfolk King Vesket Lizardfolk Village, Dropped by Thickskin Tribe Queen Reisha Baneful Bog, Deals additional 1d12 damage against aberrations, constructs, humanoids, outsiders, and undead. Throw or suffer 1d4 Dexterity damage ( on hit ) wearer has the ability to cast true as. Depend on the 4th floor quiver can use this staff hit with shield, target bleeds for 1d6 per!, évolution de l'espérance de vie en France, par département,,... 20 - 36 exp ) artifact doubles the duration of all spells cast by its user thought. Target DR 10/melee on hit Kaessi 's quest wands, pathfinder kingmaker punching dagger, firearms etc hidden Chest ( DC. 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