Can Dogs Get Sick If They Eat Raw Chicken? Chicken is a great source of protein for dogs, and it's exactly the sort of food your dog would be eating in the wild. My mother had a poodle that died from eating a chicken bone. my dog only eats people food how can I get her to eat dog food steak chicken chicken livers she loves pastromi, she eats alot of french fries . Can dogs get sick from eating rotten chicken? Can my dog get sick from eating her poop? Can dogs get salmonella from raw chicken? Will my dog get sick from eating a squirrel? Dogs with a weak immune system might not be able to tolerate with raw meats. Can my dog get sick from eating a dead bird? Can my dog get sick from eating bird poop? So, if your dog has eaten a small portion of raw chicken as a one-off, there is probably nothing to worry about. Maintain a clean coop. Dogs evolved as carnivores without the ability to cook meat, so their digestive systems are adapted to cope with bacteria such as E.Coli and salmonella. Will my dog get sick from eating raw bacon? The fungus then enters the dog's intestinal tract and an infection develops from there. All dogs are different, as are all samples of raw meat. first of all who ever said dogs cant have chicken at all is an idiot and unless the chicken is raw the dog should be able to eat it but don't feed too much because it could make the dog sick And, although it seems natural to give a dog a bone, a dog can choke on it. Dogs can even eat rotten meat with no ill effects, although what each dog can digest will vary. Dogs will be sick if they have eaten something that could be harmful to them- their digestive systems are very good at rejecting bad food. Can dogs get sick from eating old chicken? Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, and fever. Chicken liver provides many nutritional benefits. It is, however, more common in dogs that have weak immune systems (including puppies and older dogs) or those already on antibiotics (as this can reduce the amount of protective bacteria in the dog’s digestive system). That said, I know there are plenty of mutts that get into trash all of the time and eat them, and they are all OK, so your dog will probably be fine. I find that the stinkier and putrid it is, the more my dogs love, love, looooovvvvve, it. If your canine companion is a healthy bud and is used to a raw diet, then feeding some chomps of uncooked chicken is safe. 1 1. Your dog could conceivably get sick from any of these sources because feces of any kind can be contaminated with bacteria. However, many dog owners do feed ground beef to their without any problems. Feed your dog with the chicken liver in a small amount and it will be a healthy diet for your dog. There may be undesirable chemicals sprayed onto the chicken before packaging but you can throughly rinse the chicken before feeding to your dog. But, as final food for thought, researchers in Australia are less than comfortable about dogs eating raw chicken meat. YES! If there are soft bones with the breast then they will easily be digested because the stomach of dogs are acidic in nature. “We recommend owners choose regular dog food rather than chicken necks until we know more…”. Any ideas why my dog is panting and shaking? In my 55 years and about 6 dogs have I ever seen mine or anyone elses dog “eat” a squirrel. However, other signs like vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, lethargy and weight loss would usually be present along with the coprophagia. You can also use apples in recipes if you cook or make treats for your dog. Your dog could get intestinal parasites from eating fecal material. Go. We don't eat raw chicken for a reason, and that is because it is very bad for us. Raw meat is good for dogs as it is an excellent source of protein and healthy fat. The symptom you might expect to happen { If any do } would be vomiting and diarrhoea. The simple answer to this question is yes! Most dirt will contain small quantities of clay, which has health benefits and will ease discomfort. If a person does not handle or cook chicken properly, it can cause unpleasant illnesses. The simple answer to “what should I do if my dog ate raw chicken?” is usually “nothing, but closely monitor your pet for signs of illness.” Dogs are better adapted to eating raw meat than humans, and most won’t suffer serious health problems from the occasional piece of uncooked chicken. If a pet eats a toxic plant, they usually get rid of most of the toxins from their system by vomiting. Raw chicken is OUT, even chicken necks. In some cases, these bugs can lead to serious conditions.”. Never eat these raw or feed raw to dogs. Next Last ••• More options Who Replied? Dogs can eat frozen foods and will usually like them. The acid in a dog’s stomach is usually “stronger” than in a human. The symptom you might expect to happen { If any do } would be vomiting and diarrhoea. It sounds like this was an accidental case but you might want to do some research into a raw food diet for your dog and switch. Our pet's wild canine cousins thrive on a diet that includes raw bird meat, so one would assume that dogs are not affected by salmonella bacteria, right? Histoplasmosis is an infection caused by the Histoplasma capsulatum fungus. If we were to kill an animal and immediately consume its flesh without storing it, we would not get sick. Chicken bones can be very dangerous because they can splinter and puncture her stomach. is also a member of various other affiliate programs. Dogs can eat raw chicken breasts very easily along with the bones as well. Typically, Capnocytophaga does not cause disease in humans, and most human contact with dogs and cats — even through bites — does not result in illness. Learn more about the bacteria that cause the illness, the common symptoms, and the treatment options available. Dogs can get Salmonella infection from chickens and other animals carrying the bacteria, by exposure to contaminated excretions (mostly poop!) As long as your dog is acting normally just monitor your dog closely to be sure the object passes through your dog's system. Myth 7: Hot dogs are pre-cooked, so it's okay to eat them raw. Microorganisms that can potentially make you sick are often found on chicken, and if it's improperly prepared you may find yourself grappling with all the unpleasant signs of gastroenteritis: nausea, vomiting, cramps and diarrhea. Choking. With or without vomiting, the dog will feel nauseous. With their amazing digestive tract, it is capable of preventing sickness. A healthy dog is unlikely to get ill from eating raw chicken. While mild cases can usually be treated without a hospital visit, always see your vet when your pet is unwell. We are not designed to fight against the different bacterium that is in raw chicken and therefore no matter how old we are, we can all get sick from eating the raw chicken. This is often due to owners not thoroughly researching the diet and what needs to be included. Dogs do get sick from eating animals that carry parasites such as worms. The fat content of chicken skin is too high, and can trigger not only tummy distress in dogs, but also pancreatitis, a disorder that results from pancreatic inflammation. While there is fierce debate about the health of a raw food diet – many vets think it’s unbalanced and potentially dangerous in the long-term – there’s little risk of a healthy dog occasionally eating raw chicken. Signs your dog is sick from eating poop include: gastroenteritis. Raw chicken bones provide important health benefits including keeping teeth and gums healthy. Can dogs get sick from backyard chickens? Raw fish is at risk of carrying harmful bacteria like salmonella and listeria. You can check the petMD pet food recall list or the FDA website for listings on pet food recalls. There are of course may dogs who eat chicken bones cooked regularly without any issues but any dog can get a splintered chicken bone at any time, it’s a game of Russian roulette in most cases. Burkholder says people who choose a raw diet for their pets often point out that feral dogs and cats catch prey and eat it raw. Trainers call this a BARF diet (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food), as it aims to mimic the diet of a dog in the wild. Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken • Can a dog get sick from eating raw chicken?Laura S. Harris (2020, November 30.) The heart of the chicken is a lean protein that contains fatty acids and vitamin A along with iron and B vitamins. Some vets warn against raw chicken because of the risk of salmonella or other bacterial contamination. We’ve all heard that chocolate can be fatal to dogs… If your dog eats dirt occasionally, around one to two hours after eating, this is a sign of indigestion. Stomach acid in dogs is of a lower ph (more acidic) than humans and kills Salmonella which is what typically makes human's sick. Raw chicken breast ( or any kind of fresh chicken) is a good food for dogs. The danger though is that the dog begins to use sticks as toys and many dogs will begin chewing on the stick. The agency therefore recommends cooking of raw meat and poultry to kill harmful bacteria like Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes before you give the food to your pets. The chances are that your dog will get away with it but there is a danger of salmonella as you say. This isn’t the least bit controversial — raw meats are frequently contaminated with pathogens that can make your dog very ill. Bacterial contamination is the primary reason raw meats are dangerous for dogs. So, if your dog has eaten a small portion of raw chicken as a one-off, there is probably nothing to worry about. Humans can get sick from bacteria and parasites lurking in raw-meat products, too. and our chickens free range, they share the pigs trough, and we have never lost a live chicken to the pigs. This organism causes diarrhea and can make dogs and cats very ill. Giardia is shed as a cyst through the feces. Thread starter #1 pixie74943 Songster. Your vet may also prescribe antibiotics. Some dogs seem to actually crave some greenery now and then. Symptoms of coccidiosis include diarrhea (which, in severe cases, might contain blood or mucus), loss of appetite, dehydration, and vomiting. The risk of transmission of West Nile virus to dogs from eating dead birds is presumably very low. For that reason, cooked chicken is safer. Many pet owners have moved to a raw meat diet for their dogs, so how does this affect them? Fat trimmed from meat, both cooked and uncooked, may cause pancreatitis in dogs. The reason is that salmonella which is a bacteria found in raw meat. But it’s important to note that not ALL dogs can eat chicken. Can dogs get sick from eating spoiled chicken? Chicken bones are fine as long as they are raw. Your dogs immune system is built to fight bacteria that may be present on raw chicken. So a dog will not get ill because of e.coli or salmonella if they eat raw meat, including raw chicken. How long after eating raw chicken will you get sick? Experts advise that you avoid trendy raw chicken dishes. So let your nurse dog give you all the attention and love she wants: she's not going to get sick from being around you. Of course, this depends on your definition of old, but to most humans, if food tastes a bit off we won’t eat it. Skin from a chicken, in short, is absolutely not appropriate for your dog. Owning backyard chickens and other poultry can be a great experience. With their amazing digestive tract, it is capable of preventing sickness. They happilly -and without any ill effects- will eat things that are no longer good to eat for us. Food safety news also reports that, according to the FDA, when contaminated with harmful bacteria such as Salmonella, pet foods and treats can make pets sick. In addition, bacon is high in salt which is not healthy for your dog. Dogs can eat raw chicken, including the bones, without any negative side effects if you take the necessary steps to keep them safe. This could be caused by bacteria, but it could also just be that his digestive system isn’t used to coping with this type of food. Can my dog get sick from eating cat poop? If you are afraid of parasites or bacteria in raw chicken then the nest way is to cook the chicken and serve it some veggies to make it a complete meal. There are rare cases of dogs contracting e.coli or salmonella poisoning. Some dogs get sick from eating turkey because they raid the trash can gaining access to the turkey carcass and consuming turkey bones. Has your dog eaten uncooked chicken? Diarrhea. Others may get an upset stomach and experience some diarrhea. He's written hundreds of articles and books related to dogs, including for the Continental Kennel Club, Dog Fest (the UK's biggest dog festival) and various veterinary surgeries. She's just full from eating too much! Dog owners should avoid feeding their dog with raw pork because they contain parasites. Dogs, being omnivores, are less resistant, but still more so than humans. Can you get sick from eating raw hot dogs? Mandrake says: August 18, 2014 at 8:02 pm Linda, your dog only eats people food? The outer rims are very thick and can cause a dogs teeth to crack. In humans, salmonella can lead to a variety of unpleasant symptoms that can last up to a week – so it’s no wonder most people try to avoid it at all costs. Other dogs can also get sick from a sudden introduction of raw chicken or meat to their diet, so it’s always best to consult with your vet if you’re thinking of changing your dog’s diet. So a dog will not get ill because of e.coli or salmonella if they eat raw meat, including raw chicken. Feed Liver Raw. Dogs have been eating raw meat, including poultry and other birds, for centuries. Dogs have been eating raw meat, including poultry and other birds, for centuries. In 16% of cooked, ready-to-eat shrimp, we found several bacteria, including vibrio and E. coli. They sure can and my two Boxers gets a good deal of left out chicken from my sister. Dog's digestive system is designed to eat raw meat. feed raw to dogs.,,,,, Once again I will disagree with most here. Brucellosis: Bacteria in reproductive organs of sick caribou or stillborns. Grass is perfectly fine if your pet eats some, provided it has not been chemically treated. Can you clip a dog's nails with regular clippers? If you eat raw chicken, you could get very sick. This could be via the dog’s faeces or just poor hygiene when preparing the food. However, dogs CAN get sick from eating raw chicken. Raw meat can make people ill if the meat is contaminated with bacteria. Raw pork also puts your dog at risk for trichinosis, a parasite infection. Healthy dogs can easily handle the bacteria in raw chicken. Yes your dog can get very sick from eating squirrels. While bacon is not toxic to your dog, pork is a fatty meat that dogs shouldn't consume in large portions as it can lead to pancreatitis. Most dogs recover well even with severe salmonella though. Keep in mind that your dog may develop gastrointestinal issues if raw meats usually aren’t part of his diet – especially if he ate a large amount of chicken. Although it is a recent diet fad, raw/undercooked meat, eggs and bones can cause significant illness if not handled properly. Let’s start by looking into why a lot of animals can get away with eating raw meat. These adaptations include: It’s still possible for a dog to contract salmonella or other harmful bacteria (see the section below). The truth is as part of a balanced diet and with the right precautions, dogs can eat raw chicken without much trouble at all. Richard is a journalist who specialises in dog behavior. Do not feed your dog expired or rotten chicken, as this will make them sick. Raw meat can make your dog very sick. And again, if you can find a way to buy more different liver sources, even better! Written By: Richard Cross | Last Updated: August 11, 2020. Firstly, there’s evidence that raw food diets aren’t nutritionally complete. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Will my dog get sick from eating chocolate? It’s Dangerous To Give Bones To Your Dog. When he's not spending time with Jess and Rudy (his beloved Labrador and Golden Retrievers), he enjoys reading, hiking and watching sports. Can Dogs Get Salmonella from Chickens? Raw and undercooked eggs may contain Salmonella bacteria that can make you sick. Dogs can get Salmonella infection from chickens and other animals carrying the bacteria, by exposure to contaminated excretions (mostly poop!) Your dog can get sick from eating the droppings of sick chickens. Can my dog get sick from eating a dead rabbit? Some dogs also like the taste of the cat litter itself. However, if your dog has a compromised immune system they may still get sick. Answer (1 of 5): The simple answer to this question is yes! But when dogs are sick or weak, their immune and digestive system is weakened, and dogs lose the ability to fight bacteria. Surprisingly this is very rare. While the chicken may contain salmonella and other bacteria, dogs digestive systems have evolved to process raw meat better than humans (although meats such as pork should be avoided as they may contain certain parasites). Dogs are the meat lovers since ages and can dogs eat raw meat is an important question for pet owners. Dogs are fine to eat fresh raw chicken, just as they are to chew on raw bones. When cooked they become brittle and can break into pieces in your dog's digestive system. Monitor your dog. Eating dirt carries a huge number of risks. Yes, dogs can eat raw meat. But they eat them raw. Also, as we’ve found out in this article, dogs can still get food poisoning. While eating the occasional piece of raw chicken isn’t likely to cause a problem, many vets and organisations are against raw food diets. one more time for all you "oooooooh chicken bones!" Observe their faeces after eating raw chicken or meat and other symptoms associated with it. Dogs can eat raw meat (there is no such thing as cooked deer for the wolves either) and even meat that is slightly spoiled without getting sick. Why don t animals get sick from eating raw meat? There’s also a lot of debate about whether feeding a dog raw meat regularly is healthy (this article is targeted more at owners whose dogs have eaten raw chicken by accident). Someone who eats a large amount of snow, or snow with a large amount of contamination, could be very sick, Johnson said. The eggs of the roundworm (Toxocara larvae) can be left behind in soil by other dogs or wildlife and then ingested by the earthworms. Remove the marrow before giving it to your puppy as it is very high in fat and can cause diarrhoea. To minimise the risks of choking, or food sharing, we advise our raw-feeders to supervise their pets when they eat (especially for meaty bones). Unless you can cure your dog of his paper-eating ways, he may be headed toward intestinal surgery at a great financial expense to you. It can also cause gastroenteritis that results in vomiting and diarrhea. A cat can eat raw chicken - or sewer rats - and not get sick most of the time. Some bugs can be toxic or pass on parasites to your dog. Your dog can get sick from eating the droppings of sick chickens. If you feed 100 dogs a plate full of raw chicken, most would probably digest it without problem and feel just fine. Work at the University of Melbourne Veterinary Teaching Hospital points to a link between raw chicken and the paralytic dog disease, Coonhound Paralysis. Researchers also suspect people can become sick if they eat food contaminated by urine, droppings, or saliva from an infected rodent. Even handling baby birds displayed at stores or exhibits can spread Salmonella infections to people. Cooking them makes them brittle and dangerous. How can I stop my puppy eating everything in the garden? A healthy dog is unlikely to get ill from eating raw chicken. And do not give the core to your dog, as it can be a choking hazard. Although pinning down exactly what it is within raisins that causes the toxic reaction is not yet known, it is still a good idea not to let your dog eat them just in case. This helps to kill bacteria that might be present in raw chicken. Can my dog get sick from eating stray cat poop? Chicken Hearts. Humans can get sick from bacteria and parasites lurking in raw-meat products, too. Hearts and gizzards are a great treat for dogs, but more expensive if you have any quantity of dogs to feed. Hearts and gizzards are a great treat for dogs, but more expensive if you have any quantity of dogs to feed. If your dog is making a meal out of another animal's poop, especially if they're of a different species, it could be cause for concern. This is good for feeding broken, cooked chicken bones with some meat left. What kind of dogs have hair instead of fur? This fear of grain-based dog foods and the fact that more people are raising free-range chickens, may be part of the reason to ponder whether dogs can eat chicken raw. We don't eat raw chicken for a reason, and that is because it is very bad for us. That doesn’t mean a raw food diet is the right choice for your pet though. If the chicken is infected with e-coli or salmonella it can make a dog VERY ill. Dogs with weak immune systems, puppies, or old dogs may be more at risk. Also, like in people, eating too many apples can cause a dog to have a bellyache and diarrhea, so serve them in moderation. Some dogs easily get sick by eating raw chicken. This allows food to pass through the body quicker, providing less time for dangerous bacteria to make themselves at home. It's not likely that your dog has food poisoning, because dogs can eat almost anything and not get sick. Here’s the quick answer…. Again, you can be on the safe side and freeze the meat for 2-3 weeks or even lightly cook it before feeding to your dog. Moreover, raw food can make you sick as well if you don't handle it properly. A. On the other hand, puppies, dogs with weak immune systems, and older/senior dogs might be more at risk of gastrointestinal problems. Beast is the favorite part for dogs. Eating raw chicken certainly isn’t risk-free for a dog though, so it’s important to monitor your dog for any symptoms of illness. As for raw shrimp, it gets worse. Dogs can get Salmonella infection from chickens and other animals carrying the bacteria, by exposure to contaminated excretions (mostly poop!) The bottom line, they don't believe that eating their potting mix causes any problem for pets. Can raw sugar cookie dough make you sick? Can a dog get salmonella from eating raw chicken? Bacteria on Chicken. Some prefer their chicken necks thawed, and some frozen - it will depend on your cat. If the high-fat content is the cause of your dog's diarrhea, you should cut the amount of fatty meat until your dog's stool is back to normal. Dogs can get salmonella from eating chicken too i it's raw or improperly cooked. This means, if you can get both, it’s a good idea to alternate. This will only cause a problem if the mole ingested poison or had bacteria. Lv 6. Bones can get stuck. While mold on dog food should certainly be avoided, the real danger occurs when pets get into household trash or eat garbage outside, including compost piles and moldy nuts or fruits that have fallen from trees. This is normal and only indicates food poisoning if the dog has repeated diarrhoea or vomiting. In fact, this type of diet may be nutritionally unbalanced and potentially dangerous. Can a dog get sick from eating raw meat? To really give your dog the rich benefits of liver, he should eat it raw. Eating raw chicken meat increases a dog's risk of developing a debilitating and potentially fatal form of paralysis by more than 70 times, according to a new study. I feed raw chicken necks 5 times per week for dental health. There’s more information about the AVMA’s policy in the link above. 10 Years. Is it safe for dogs to eat chicken liver? Is raw chicken dangerous for dogs? You should induce vomiting if the carpet was ingested in the last 2 hours to reduce the chance of an obstruction occuring. However, there are other factors that affect this. or by eating contaminated meat. After eating raw chicken you dog may get salmonella infection. If your pet develops diarrhea after eating a dead bird, it is probably not a health concern for anyone else but Salmonella infection is possible, so consider taking your dog to the veterinarian. I would cut her dinner portion down just a tad though. It should be served raw along with the bones in small pieces. Chicken and rice (or chicken broth) can be a good middle ground for owners who want to give their dog a healthy diet and a mixture of raw and processed food. But no matter what … any kind of liver will give your dog some nutrients he may not be getting otherwise. Avoid giving a dog large marrow bones, t-bones, lamb cutlets, and knuckle bones. This prevents the … they ignore the live chickens, only eat the dead ones. A dog will eat grass in an innate atempt to solve a digestive upset. It is quite controversial. For example, licking a dirty paw could result in swallowing a bit of sand. Even just a little cursory sniff of the feces can cause trouble. Raw eggs also contain an enzyme that can lead to skin and coat problems. Somewhat surprisingly, Salmonellosis is seen infrequently in dogs and cats and is generally limited to signs of acute diarrhea. In addition, if an infected rodent bites someone, the virus may be spread to that person. We are not designed to fight against the different bacterium that is in raw chicken and therefore no matter how old we are, we can all get sick from eating the raw chicken. Instead of feeding him raw, feed him cooked meat or a higher-quality dry dog food. There is a slight risk of serving raw meat to dogs as there are bacteria found in raw meat. So a dog will not get ill because of e.coli or salmonella if they eat raw meat, including raw chicken. So, dogs eating feces is not confined only to chicken poo. There are two things to be aware of before serving your dog chicken. Their digestive systems are able to deal with bacteria better than humans do. A dog could choke on these bones. Never feed cooked bones as these are likely to splinter. One misconception is that dogs can get food poisoning from raw chicken and eggs like people do. As stated, the bone must not be cooked. How can I eat raw meat without getting sick? TL;DR Human digestive systems are designed to harbor bacteria; means we can eat a wider variety … If you feed a dog with raw chicken, you should stick to the following tips. The crabs will love both the marrow and the meat. Jut make sure the bone is big enough, or the dog will choke on the bone. Here’s a quote from the AVMA: The AVMA discourages the feeding to cats and dogs of any animal-source protein that has not first been subjected to a process to eliminate pathogens because of the risk of illness to cats and dogs as well as humans. Salmonella can also contaminate raw or unpasteurized milk and other dairy products, as well as raw fruits and vegetables. Many foods are perfectly safe to eat when raw or minimally cooked, but chicken and other poultry products don't fall into that category. How did she even know about steak, chicken, chicken livers, pastrami and French fries? Some ready-to-eat foods, such as hot dogs, can become contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes after they have been processed and packaged at the plant. YES! Keep your cat from eating raw bones as well—she could choke on them, injure her digestive tract, or damage her teeth. Brucellosis: Bacteria in reproductive organs of sick caribou or stillborns. Can my dog get sick from eating moldy bread? You have probably seen the predators on the Savannah eat a Zebra or a Gazelle and maybe you were thinking why in the world did they not get sick from eating … Can dogs eat raw chicken? If meat, fish, dairy products bought for human consumption turn just a bit off the dogs will get them as well. Salmonella is a group of bacteria found in foods such as eggs, chicken, cheese and nuts. If a dog consumes contaminated fecal matter, he could potentially become infected. Your pup may crunch up a raw chicken wing and remain in perfect health, or he may contract a terrible – potentially lethal – disease.. No matter the outcome, feeding your dog raw meat amounts to very high-stakes poker. The rabbit form of coccidia doesn't cause harm to the dog and simply passes through the intestinal tract. Can my dog get sick from eating mouse droppings? Sometimes they get stuck across the roof of the mouth. Dogs with weak immune system are more likely to get salmonella infection. So, if your dog has eaten a small portion of raw chicken as a one-off, there is probably nothing to worry about. Will my dog get sick from eating one raisin? What Can dogs get from eating chicken poop? Chances are, your dog will never get sick from eating raw meat. Also if pieces of wood are swallowed, it can cause intestinal blockage. Raw meat can make you very sick — but what about cats? Can a dog get sick from eating raw turkey? Wood splinters easily when chewed on and shards can jam into the dog's mouth causing an infection. Dogs can only eat what their digestion system is use to, so if you have fed him/her iffy chicken last week and the week before it will be ok, BUT if the dog has only had chicken that is fresh then he/she won't tolerate it. So you have to be very careful. The chances are that your dog will get away with it but there is a danger of salmonella as you say. Although both humans and dogs can catch cold, the viruses that cause the colds are quite different. Really, feeding any cooked bone to your dog has a tendency to eat them raw meat. Is possible, however, there is a bacteria found in foods such as.... Dog begins to use sticks as toys and many dogs, ingesting small of. 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