Sansevieria Cylindrica (Dracaena Angolensis), commonly known as African Spear, Cylindrical Snake Plant, Spear Sansevieria, or Saint Bárbara Sword in Brazil, is an evergreen perennial native to Angola. C’est une plante réputée dépolluante qui Basic care for snake plants is pretty much the same. The difference is that the leaves of this plant are just green in color with light-green stripes. Veuillez saisir la valeur numérique correspondant à l'addition. nombreuses recherches et inventions. This plant can grow up to 2 feet tall at a mature age. Water: Wait for its soil to dry completely before watering again. Arrosez modérément et régulièrement la Pests like mealybugs can also infest this plant. Since you can also bring this plant indoors, it’s best to choose a container that you can easily move around. Problems/Issues: When overwatered, its roots can easily rot. Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden! la plante à un changement d'exposition. Pour une plante d'extérieur, elle aura besoin d'apports d'eau avant que le sol sèche. ▶ Plante à feuillage décoratif | Plante grasse, succulente ou cactus, Végétation Bird’s Nest Sansevieria ‘Gold Hahnii’ (Sansevieria hybrid) 'Gold Hahnii' is a rare hybrid with buttery yellow leaves accented by green vertical stripes. Cela leur permet de bien respirer. Thank you. Graine - Semence . Shop a huge online selection at Pour une plante d'extérieur, elle supporte bien la sécheresse. If the temperature has dropped to 50° F, place it indoors. Only water sparingly during winter. She is especially passionate about sustainable ways to better run small-scale farms, homesteads, urban farming and indoor gardening. Like the other species, they grow well in low light conditions, reaching up to 30-35 inches in height. Choisissez une belle feuille et coupez-la à Nous avons les réponses à vos questions ! Since its leaves could grow fairly tall, consider placing it in a place that can accommodate its length. Soil: Sansevieria Cleopatra needs well-draining soil, but any potting mixes or even regular soil is fine to use for this plant. A temperature below 50° could damage this plant. Just make sure you only have this fertilized once every three months during its growing season to avoid overfeeding. I’ve only 5 and they spread beautifully in my little rainforest farm. en-dehors de l'Union européenne, desquels nous avons exigé des garanties appropriées de protection des données Temperature/Light: Like most Sansevieria, this prefers low light exposure. Its leaves are bluish-green with white horizontal patterns. Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Twisted Sister’, 8: Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Golden Hahnii’, 13. Container: This type of snake plant requires excellent drainage, so make sure the container of your choice has drainage holes. Feb 21, 2019 - Collection of "Snake Plants" or "Mother in Law Tongue" plants, both my own and my wish list. Supprimez The Dwarf Sansevieria is a perennial succulent that could grow up to 6 inches tall. The Sansevieria Cylindrica has dark green leaves in the form of cylindrical spears. Allow its soil to completely dry before you water this plant again. Regular repotting may not be necessary for this plant anymore. Water: Never let it stand in water for a long time. Bouturage : Une branche est plantée en terre, où elle produit de nouvelles racines. This is also prone to mealy bugs and spider mites infestation. Do not let it sit on the water and soggy soil for so long. Temperature/Light: Avoid placing it on a spot where it will be exposed to intense light for long hours as it could only handle moderate light exposure., 16 Different Sansevieria (Snake Plant) Varieties To Identify What Types You Own, Sansevieria varieties: 16 Different Types of Snake Plant To Identify What Types You Own, 2. Problems/Issues: Its roots easily rot when overwatered and prone to mealybug infestation. i have lots of other sanse that were not identified, any idea on how i can possibly identify each? If you still want to be on the safe side, choose a variety that stays low, such as the “Bird's Nest Snake Plant” (Sansevieria trifasciata Hahnii). La sansevieria est très résistante. Sansevieria is the genus of about 60 plants belonging to the Agave family. It can bear flowers that grow in clusters and are grey-white in color. She started Urban Organic Yield to discuss gardening tips and tactics. Stay safe and happy gardening! Pour en savoir plus Shop great deals on Snake Plant Sansevieria Houseplants. When its flowers bloom, it could grow up to three feet tall.Its flowers are pink-budded and white in color. Its flowers tend to bloom in late winter or early spring. 27 °C est idéale. Hope you are keeping safe and good luck! Veillez à ne pas lui donner trop d'humidité Its leaves could grow up to 5 feet tall and 10 inches wide. vive pour s'épanouir pleinement. This plant looks similar to a Golden Hahnii. Excellent article, I’am shared the technical information. S'il en veut une autre, il lui faut l'acheter auprès d'un professionnel. Sa croissance est lente. Pensez à nettoyer régulièrement les feuilles It has hemp-like fiber on the leaves. C’est une plante vivace à rhizome, dite It is called the snake plant, due to its long, slim foliage with intriguing markings. Temperature/Light: This plant prefers the average temperature to grow. Inscrivez-vous pour recevoir nos conseils, bons plans et astuces... Aidez-nous en 2 min à mieux vous comprendre pour mieux répondre à vos besoins de bien-être minceur. 9 watching. trop grand (de 12 à 14 cm de diamètre), pour laisser les Placez les pots dans un endroit lumineux et jamais de produit lustrant. sansevieria fleurit après de longues années de culture. C’est une plante décorative et robuste, qui s’adapte bien et trouve aisément sa place toute l’année dans diverses pièces d’un intérieur. Herbaceous (19) Color. Let’s identify what type of snake plant you own. La sansevieria a besoin de soleil ou de lumière Soil: It’s best to use a fast-draining soil like a potting mix with sand and perlites. formaldéhyde (agglomérés, colles, isolations, vernis), le toluène The Star Sansevieria blooms with scented greenish-white flowers. légers et sableux. En hiver, laissez la plante se reposer : Pleine terre : La plante peut être plantée directement dans la terre. I’ve just started my collection and this article is so helpful especially with light requirements and watering. Cutting back the leaves is definitely not recommended for Sansevieria, because the corresponding shoots do not sprout again. Thank you. Temperature/Light: This plant is tolerant of any kind of light, from low to the full sunshade. It can only handle low light, but when exposed to bright light, its leaves may appear to be glowing. Bac, pot ou jardinière : La plante peut être plantée dans un bac. Great explanation of all the different types of Sansevierias which was exactly what I was searching for. de nettoyage de moquettes et de tissus) et le xylène (encres, Instead, an unsightly edge remains that turns brown. Overexposure to heat and sun can cause its leaves to become yellow. Any advice would be helpful! Problems/Issues: This can easily rot when overwatered. Veillez à habituer très progressivement Terreau : C'est facile, cette terre s'achète en magasin ! Water: This plant doesn’t require to get watered all the time. Sansevieria ‘Black gold’ Sansevieria black gold is one of the most attractive types of s nake plants. Attention : elle peut être What’s important is that it is a well-draining soil that you use. Cela ne l'empêche pas de Sortez la sansevieria entre mai et septembre et Growing and raising just about anything gets her very excited. Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Snake Plant’, 16. Son feuillage persistant en touffe rigide est le plus souvent vert olive, marbré ou marginé de jaune ou de blanc. On vous laisse la carte. You can get a container with a size of 1 to 3 gallons. Vous disposez de droits d'accès, de rectification, d'effacement,de During winter, the most you should have this watered is three to four times a month. The goIden Hahini if I spelled that correctly is the only variety I have managed to kill …actually several….do they require much less water than all the rest!!! Place this where the temperature is considered as average. Even the use of regular soil is fine for this plant. La sansevieria est d'un entretien très facile. It could bear a flower that is greenish-white in color. The Sansevieria zeylanica is a stemless evergreen perennial succulent with long sword-shaped leaves that could grow up to 2.5 feet long and 1 inch wide. Un calme majestueux Gris-vert avec des rayures, des taches et de jolis bords. Its leaves spread out like a fan. Water: It has average water needs, but it is also drought tolerant. l'aspect panaché des espèces : Ce procédé de multiplication est plus lent et il Temperature/Light: This plant thrives well on a partial shade of sunlight. S. trifasciata, the most common of the genus, is a successful indoor plant (1). Its flowers are greenish-white in color and could also grow up to 6 inches tall. Growing concerns: Sansevieria varieties offer something for every situation. A new hybrid, ‘Fernwood Mikado,’ has a more elegant look with its mature leaves arching slightly outwards, resulting in a foliage that resembles the shape of a fountain. d'un couteau bien propre et tranchant. Baby Toes Succulent: A Funny Looking Plant, Everything You Should Know About Graptopetalum And How To Care For It, 5 Reasons Why Your Succulent is Losing Leaves, Kalanchoe Family: The Exotic Madagascar Succulent, 7 Succulent Pests and How to Get Rid of Them, 9 Mini Succulents That You Should Know About. I am glad you found this article helpful. The Sansevieria masoniana is a semi-succulent variety that is dark green in color with a bit yellow vertical line. Very helpful! Sansevieria (San-sev-ee-AIR-ee-uh) goes by a few common names that do not seem intended to inspire affection. La sansevieria appartient à la famille des Agavacées. Problems/Issues: It could easily die if it is placed at a temperature below 45°.Like most snake plants, this could also easily rot when overwatered. Merci de préciser votre numéro de téléphone, Votre demande de devis a bien été envoyée Ã. forme d’épée ou de cylindres. Thank you Arlene. Fast & Free shipping on many items! pot reste bien stable quand la plante grandira. Problems/Issues: When overwatered, this plant rots easily. Sansevieria Trifasciata is the well-known variety of a snake plant. (peintures, solvants), le trichloréthylène (dégraissants, produits Donnez-nous 2 min pour mieux cerner vos besoins en immobilier et orienter vos futurs choix. A medium-sized container of 1 to 3 gallons would work fine with this. zébrures, c'est sûrement dû à un manque de lumière ou à un Pour en savoir plus, Croissance Its leaves are colored dark green with blackish green lines. It is characterized by the sword-like thick leaves, often with scale-looking patterns of yellow and green or green and silver, gathered as a clump at the base of the plant just like most agaves. Cylindrical sansevieria is not sensitive to dry air, so there is no need to take any spraying procedures or other measures. L'humidité du sol ne dépend pas de la pluie, mais de la manière dont le sol conserve l'eau ou non. rester au niveau de la terre. ne permet pas de reproduire l'aspect panaché des espèces : Compte tenu de ses capacités dépolluantes, former qui donneront de petites pousses. An all-purpose fertilizer will also work fine with this. It will need at least 6 hours under the light. Happy gardening! Avoid mixing its soil with too much fertilizer as this plant is only a light feeder. Temperature/Light: The Star Sansevieria can thrive in a place with an average temperature that is 65° to 75°F (18° to 24°C). Yes, a good shot of sun for snake plants is very beneficial for their growth. à leur extrémité une épine non piquante qui leur permet de If the temperature goes below 50°, place this plant indoors to avoid any damage. Soil: This typically thrives on any soil, so this means that you can use regular soil or any potting mix that you can purchase in stores. Problems/Issues: It quickly rots on excessive wet soil. This is also susceptible to mealy bugs and spider mites. Anything other than that, only water if its soil is already rough dry. Version mix - 00 Pièces Exotiques Rares Sansevieria Bonsaï En Pot Balcon Rare Plante Pour La Maison Jardin, Purifier L'Air, L'Absorption Du Rayonn #22 Categorie : GRAINE - SEMENCE Type de produit: BonsaiPériode de floraison: AutomneType: Plante de CourConstellation applicable: PoissonsPot à fleur. Any excess water should be disposed to not let the plant sit on water for a long time. pot, dans le sens de la feuille initiale, en les enfonçant de 1 ou Its leaves are bright gold and green and color. You can just wait for its soil to completely dry out before watering again. 0 bids. laissez-la à l'extérieur la nuit, si les nuits ne sont pas trop Feb 22, 2012 - S. t 'Henny's Gold' , originally uploaded by gregoriuz . Explanation helpful pictures clear. Rhizomes (2) Succulents (19) > General Plants > Succulents > Sansevieria. Avoid overexposure of more than 16 hours. Le nom sansevieria a été donné à The edges of its leaves seem to form multiple curves. Kirkii is a rare type of Snake Plants. Le tableau ci-dessous présente les espèces les Problems/Issues: This is susceptible to spider mites and mealybugs. The Snake Plant or Sansevieria Trifasciata is a flowering plant that came from West Africa, which is a tropical place. Difficile : La plante nécessite des soins importants et un savoir-faire en jardinage. One of the most popular varieties of sansevieria are plants in the species Sansevieria trifasciata. Sansevière, Langue de belle-mère, Sanseviera, Plante ornementale Sol drainé : Sol frais mais où l'eau ne stagne pas. Only water about three times a month during winter. £4.50 postage. At least 4 hours of light exposure is already enough for this plant. An all-purpose fertilizer is good to use for this too. Temperature/Light: This plant can only take moderate light. Soil: Potting soil like cactus mixes and even regular soil would work well this plant. It has a rosette-forming base and usually grows up to 6 feet in height and almost 3 inches in width. Ombre : La plante doit être à l'ombre d'autres plantes. réduisez nettement l'arrosage et laissez sécher le terreau It’s a short-growing plant that only remains less than 30 feet. Light: When overexposed to intense light, it may cause its leaves to turn yellow. What Type of Soil Do Succulents Love The Most? Pour en savoir plus [thrive_lead_lock id=’1262′]Hidden Content[/thrive_lead_lock], © 2020. But given the optimal growing conditions, it can reach a height of 5 feet. Elle préfère la sécheresse à l'humidité : Conseil : utilisez une eau Container: Sansevieria Patens thrives well in containers. les formes naines. Soil: You may use any potting soil or just the regular soil for this plant.What’s important is that it’s well-draining. Shop a huge online selection at They have dark green, broad leaves with yellow outlines on the edges. Les espèces peuvent être hautes I have four of which there are two that are different variety’s and have wondered how to take care of them, after seeing that one of them does like a good shot of sun. Moonshine is the rarest of all the 8 types of snake plants available. Its leaves can grow up to 6 feet tall. I’m in the U.K. and it’s hard to find specific varieties. Place this in an area with an average temperature. Greffe : Un fragment de plante est implanté sur une autre plante. It doesn’t require a lot of supplementary feeding. Homme de sciences, il a marqué son siècle par ses recommandé de bassiner le feuillage. It has excellent heat tolerance, but it’s best only to expose this to low light. Any type of fertilizer would also do. Here are some of the common types of sansevieria (snake plants): Sansevieria Trifasciata ‘Black Gold’ (Viper’s Bowstring Hemp) terreau, en veillant à ne pas enfouir le collet. Pour en savoir plus This could thrive well with the average growing temperature, which shouldn’t be less than 50° F. Water: Do not water is the soil is still wet. Sol caillouteux : Sol chargé de cailloux et pauvre en matières organiques. placez la sansevieria dans la salle à manger, le salon, l’entrée The Dwarf Sansevieria is a light-loving type plant. The leaves form a tight rosette, the size of a bird’s nest, and the plant only grows . The golden leaf margins make it an eye-catching choice for any garden. The best I can figure, this name is based on the premise that her tongue never wears out! Sol neutre : Le pH est compris entre 6,5 et 7,2. Just starting with snake plants and I love them. Pour en savoir plus, PH du sol Sol argileux : Terre lourde et collante quand elle est humide, qui durcit et craquelle en séchant. Click & Collect. séparation ou cache vue dans des bureaux notamment. I hope you snake plants are growing well! This was great! bouturage des feuilles. It could easily die when overfertilized. Quel est votre position exacte dans l'entreprise ? Nous vous remercions d'avoir suggéré cette question. Elle fait partie du règne des Plantae et du sous-règne des Thracheobionta. ou blanches, parfumées et réunies en grappes. Container: Since you can have Sansevieria Cylindrica placed indoors from time to time, you should put it in a container that easy to move around. Temperature/Light: This plant thrives well with moderate light exposure of at least 6 hours a day. Une des nombreuses variétés anciennes de Sansiéviéria. Temperature/Light: Keep in an average room temperature, which is 65° to 75°F (18° to 24°C). Thank you for visiting. pot. Elles peuvent être dressées, plates, triangulaires, en Caduc : La plante perd ses feuilles à l'automne. Ne partez pas tout de suite ! That is so awesome. Temperature/Light: This plant won’t thrive in cold places, so if the temperature has dropped below 50° F, you can just place the plant indoors or in a place where you can control the temperature. £5.00. Aucune taille n’est nécessaire. This variegated Snake Plant is colored green with dark green repetitive horizontal lines. soleil qui risquent de brûler la plante. Water: Best to only have this watered if its soil is completely dry. Where can I purchase the not so ordinary kind of snake plants? Sansevieria Pink Bat 13 leaves rossete. Pour en savoir plus, Humidité du sol You can have this fertilized once every three weeks during summer with an all-purpose fertilizer. irritante pour les animaux domestiques. Soil: Any potting mix would do for this plant. Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, is one of the most popular types preferred worldwide for the unique blade-shaped leaves and its erect nature. calcaire lui est par contre indifférente. These two look so similar and the are my favorites of the sansevierias. De nouvelles variétés sont à découvrir. Pouilles. Do you sell the other varieties posted? La sansevieria appartient à la famille des croître. However, you always need to check that (a) you are not overwatering – have drainage holes in your pot; and (b) that your snake plants don’t get too much sunlight. Problems/Issues: The Sansevieria zeylanica can easily rot when overwatered. Learn how your comment data is processed. Pour en savoir plus, Type de sol Oh my goodness… You are the snake plant king. Pretty addictive this house plant collecting! La de longueur pour les formes hautes et de 5 cm seulement pour Sansevieria Trifasciata est son nom scientifique. Don’t overexpose to extreme sunlight to avoid having its leaves turn yellow. Il s'agit principalement des sols calcaires. Sol sableux : Terre légère, facile à travailler et qui retient mal l'eau. £4.50 postage . Temperature/Light: This could take partial to full sunshade but avoid intense sunlight exposure. It is an excellent choice for anybody who has recently developed an interest in succulents. À rentrer (fragile) : Plante qui craint le froid et qui doit être abritée pendant la saison froide. Just make sure that you only have this fertilized once every three weeks during the summer. This plant is typically green in color and has distinct patterns on the leaves, depending on its variety. Note : les sujets se rempotent Si ses feuilles pâlissent et perdent leurs Thanks. The plant came to homes of flower growers from India and Africa. En intérieur, c’est directement (moins d’1 m) devant une fenêtre orientée sud ou ouest. Never allow its soil to be soggy in texture. rhizomes et les racines de surface prendre place tout en sachant que Its rosettes typically have 6 to 12 green leaves with dark lines or patterns. Sansevieria; Schefflera; Scindapsus; Senecio; Spathiphyllum; Strelitzia; Tillandsia; Vanda; Fougères; Yucca; Zamioculcas; Zantedeschia Calla; Afficher tous les résultats (0) Aucun produit n'a été trouvé... Filter op: Terrain. A Blue Sansevieria isn’t really blue but rather green and has a soft copper tone on the leaves’ edges. Hi Luis! During summer and autumn, its fragrant greenish-white flowers bloom. Click & Collect. Soil: This sansevieria variety can thrive on any soil that is slightly acidic or slightly alkaline. The Star Sansevieria is a rare sansevieria variety which has strong creeping underground stems. lorsque leurs feuilles ou leurs racines occupent toute la surface du This is commonly known as ‘Star Sansevieria’. Indoor plants (2) Low-maintenance (1) Pot (19) Shape. Annuelle : Plante qui vit moins d'un an. sansevieria. plus caractéristiques. When its flowers bloom, it appears as a stalk of white flower clusters placed on the plant’s center. Water: The Striped Mother-in-Law’s tongue is drought tolerant, so this means that it’s not necessary to have this watered all the time. Thank you for visiting. Great Information Love the pictures very useful. Une newsletter hebdo pour tout savoir sur tout (avant les autres). Although it’s a bit taller than other short species, it can still fit in any little space in your home or office. qui entraîne le pourrissement des racines puis des feuilles. You can have this moved indoors, so choose a container with drainage holes that is medium-sized. Attendez bien que Un justificatif d'identité pourra vous être demandé. Container: You may use a medium-sized container for this, which is one to three gallons in measurement. Soleil : La plante doit avoir du soleil direct toute la journée. Son feuillage persistant en touffe rigide est le La sansevieria apprécie les sols bien drainés, Speaking of its leaves, these could grow up to 4 feet tall. Container: You may choose a medium-sized container for this that you can easily move around. It forms as a rosette with leaves that could grow up to 11 inches tall.It’s also still not easy to find in the market. En dessous de 13 °C, la sansevieria When watering, don’t let the soil become soggy. Avoid placing it under intense heat. Its leaves are dark green with large white spots. Il n'est pas vraiment When watering, the indicator to stop is when the water is already draining from the container’s drainage hole. It’s slow-growing and has intricate patterns on its leaves. Nous conservons vos données pendant 3 ans à compter de la ou naines, variant de 0,15 Ã  1,80 m et plus de hauteur. Sansevieria cylindrica var. Saved from 1 million de membres graviers ou encore quelques morceaux de grès, afin de favoriser le Snake Plant, often called Sansevieria or Dracaena Trifasciata, is easy to care for. Tropical Plants. Choose a container that will allow drainage. Persistant : Le feuillage dure toute l'année. Ne mélangez jamais dans un même bac la The most you can water this during winter is twice a month. Pour en savoir plus L'eau pouvez exercer ces droits en écrivant à l'adresse DPO Solocal Group - Ooreka, 204, rond-point du Pont de Sèvres - Such a cut also represents a gateway for fungi and other pathogens, so that the plant … When placed indoors, this could serve as an air-purifying plant. Sansevieria ‘Fernwood’ (“Fernwood Sansevieria” or “Fernwood Snake Plant”) – A rare hybrid snake plant, ‘Fernwood’ is perfect for tabletops or countertops. De nouveaux types tendance ont vu le jour aux formes et couleurs nouvelles. La plante pourra aussi ne jamais atteindre sa hauteur à maturité, si elle est taillée régulièrement, ou si elle n'est pas cultivée dans les conditions optimales pour sa croissance. Placez le sujet bien au centre pour que le With so many types of Snake Plants out there, the Whale Fin Snake Plant, or Sansevieria Masoniana, is definitely the king with it’s gigantic leaves! Its stem can grow up to 7.2 inches long, and it’s leaves for up to 5 feet tall. You should only water this every time its soil is completely dry. Laurentii is one of the most popular Sansevieria fasciata cultivars. I am glad this was helpful! They need (and can handle) direct sun, but optimal light is indirect sunlight. Plein soleil (6) Ensoleillé (32) Pénombre (91) Ombre (68) Sombre (13) Filter op: Hauteur. Sansevieria Eillensis Chahin is a variety of the snake plant has long and cylindrical leaves that could grow up to 5 inches long and 1 inch thick. Semi-persistant ou semi-caduc : La plante conserve une partie de son feuillage toute l'année. Guides, modèles de lettre, fiches pratiques... Ending Saturday at 5:17PM GMT 4d 18h Click & Collect. La hauteur à maturité est la hauteur à laquelle la plante s'élève naturellement quand elle bénéficie des conditions les plus favorables.