April 2013 I post weekly sermons and other biblical messages on this page. On the other hand, consequences are circumstantial. Making the right choices is not difficult when we follow God's Biblical principles. June 2010 Learn more about how we make money.Last edited April 26, 2017. December 2011 More Restoration And Less Condemnation. February 2014 Home Sermons Choices And ... We need to live by the leading of the Holy Spirit. No, it’s not so much about making poor choices as it is about making a certain kind of choice, a choice made in the moment, for the moment, with little or no thought to consequences. Your comment will be posted after it is approved. I. “I just wasn’t thinking” is a very common excuse … One might even ask the Lord that if a choice is not according to His will... a. Good or bad, there are always consequences. Christmas January 2013 February 2012 April 2020 Tagged with Choices. Psalms UCG.org / Sermons / Choice and Consequence. November 2012 April 2014 Oh, how we need more Christians making the right choices. Snippets from the sermon: “Decision: The Power of Choice” Text: Deuteronomy 30:19. It is a change in orientation and oftentimes a full reversal of what the world holds as important or as valuable. Good or bad, there are always consequences. Let’s remember the choices we make have consequences. June 2011 April 2016 When confronted with a choice, never default by saying; “It doesn’t matter.” Make a decision; make the choice between grits or hash browns, coffee or tea, etc. September 2010 March 2015 July 2014 Many people do not exercise the power of choice and allow life, circumstances, and other people to make choices and decisions for them. September 2017 October 2012 The herdsmen of Lot and of Abram were quarreling because there wasn’t adequate land to support all their flocks. Change Your Life One Decision At A Time. It is a commitment of your whole life; your whole way of being. We make our choices and our choices turn around and make us. John Schmidt. October 2009 July 2011 My Messy House We have little choice about the consequences of that. Home Sermons Choices And ... We need to live by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Work to achieve our decisions. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. September 2018 Leave "Making the Right Choices" sermon and go to "Free Sermons" page. b. Resolve to be proactive in making decisions in even the smaller things that might not matter as much. June 2018 We find ourselves paralyzed: unable to make choices about relationships, dating, marriage, money, family, and career. “YOU HAVE ONLY ONE LIFE TO LIVE, BUT IF YOU DO IT RIGHT, ONLY ONE IS ENOUGH” In other words, every individual has only one chance to … April 2015 Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. November 2019 April 2012 October 2013 Ecclesiastes December 2012 May 2019 October 2017 May 2012 Sermon: "Tough Choices, Tough Consequences" Third in the Series "God and the Workplace" Delivered May 9, 2004 by Rev. Jesus says that there is a big issue of profit and loss in life. Since I couldn’t post this w/o indicating a primary passage, i put the first passage i use in this sermon so i could post it. May you find meaning and hope as you read through each message and seek to hear God's voice. Messy House We cannot escape the consequences of them and those consequences impact our families far into the future. February 2010 May 2018 The main question for today is directed toward the youth. Ephesians May 2015 The second sermon in the eight sermon series on Making Spiritual Connections is: Connecting Choices and Consequences. The man who drank for many years and developed cirrhosis of the liver knows that his disease has a direct link to his alcohol abuse. Let’s make choices and invest in our future! September 2019 February 2018 June 2012 Looking at consequences through the understanding of our choices being a response to God. It is not easy. December 2016 To decide not to decide is a decision! December 2013 Likewise, if we are honest and given the opportunity, we would have made different choices somewhere in our life. April 2018 Featuring a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and is the most effective way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands including all mobile platforms + newsletter. February 2020 July 2015 All choices have consequences. May 2011 Haggai ~ Shake Up Your Life December 2014 The Way of Jesus is all about you making good choices, the right commitments, and experiencing “blessed consequences.” Even when Jesus says very challenging things to you, it is always for one purpose—that you would flourish as you abide in his grace and love. 1 & 2 Kings August 2014 Every Sunday the worship service includes a message from the Bible. God desires for you to stay focused on Him; to make choices that aligns you with His Kingdom. December 2015 October 2011 c. Count the cost of your decisions ; weight consequences and options. May 2013 God told us that He set before us the choice of life or death, and He left the decision up to us. January 2015 If we keep our promise to be faithful to God, then He will keep His promise to reward us. May 2010 Job November 2009 February 2013 June 2014 This is why Scripture continually warns us against wrong choices: “Do not enter the path of the wicked and do not walk in the way of the evil. August 2017 This sermon was the 6th of a 7-sermon series on “Dealing With the D’s.” Preached at the New Hope Baptist Church / Covington, GA. December 9, 2018. September 2012 (1) "There is a story about a man named Fred who inherited $10 million, but the will required that he had to accept it either in Chile or Brazil. I post weekly sermons and other biblical messages on this page. “I don’t have a choice!” is a fallacy: That is erroneous thinking! Always choose the Spiritual over the carnal, the eternal over the temporal, God's will over man's, and commitment over convenience. July 2016 We are where we are today because of the choices and decisions we made yesterday. February 2015 November 2017 Daniel 6:13-28 ~ Choices Have Consequences ~ Carl Crouse. He did not make a deal with God to save himself. June 2016 April 2011 Other sermons in this series - 1 / 2 / 3 Theme: In business everything comes down to the bottom line. July 2017 It is not easy. October 2020 Deuteronomy 30:19; God desires us to choose life. September 2009. December 2009 I know the story, but digging into it for a relevant interpretation was a good learning experience for me. The consequence of Adam’s choice in Genesis 2:16–17 has not changed. Unless man chooses to accept Jesus Christ as Lord, he is dead. I also created an “I Have, Who Has” as a closing activity. September 2014 November 2015 July 2012 My words are an attempt to understand and apply the Bible to our daily living. It costs something to have a good and meaningful life. Here’s a cute story (I am making this up!) Let’s remember the choices we make have consequences. March 2016 More Restoration And Less Condemnation. October 2019 Every situation is a choice. March 2014 Well, life has a bottom line as well. I am what I am, where I am, doing what I do, as a result of thousands of choices made over a long period of time. Every Sunday the worship service includes a message from the Bible. Jesus confronts us with a choice - He invites and we must make a choice to receive or reject Him. March 2010 Learn how your comment data is processed. The American Psychosis: A Quasi-Psychoanalysis of America’s Racial Roots and Practice. Teachers had said 80%+ of their students could identify the consequences of their choices and I thought the activity would deepen some of that understanding and connection. What we will learn from 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1, is that choices have consequences and that God will keep His promises. September 2015 September 2016 So Abram gave Lot his choice of where to settle. November 2014 1. May 2014 It’s not a matter of not having a choice; it’s a matter of not liking the available choices! What to wear, eat, drive, who to see, to answer or not, etc. June 2017 We all have the God-given authority and right to make choices and decisions. October 2016 Before most decisions can be fulfilled, some effort must go into the … February 2017 Therefore, we don’t need help to make choices and decisions, we need help in making better or good choices and decisions. Paul was sure that the Galatians would make the right choices. August 2012 Snippets from the sermon: “Decision: The Power of Choice” Text: Deuteronomy 30:19. To strengthen your decision-making muscles: a. August 2010 ~. September 2013 He might frustrate the carrying out of the choice b. As I ponder the situation, I realize that at the age of 61, I am nothing more than the sum total of all the choices I have made over all the years of my life. Positive or negative, good day or bad, angry not angry, all are choices. August 2015 This particular drama not only shows the price of uncontrolled actions, but also incorporates the role every responsible Christian has in the problem. I had a good laugh at a story in the newspapers sometime back about a teacher who found a great way to make students pay for their crimes. December 2020 This sermon was the 6th of a 7-sermon series on “Dealing With the D’s.” ... c. Count the cost of your decisions ; weight consequences and options. Marriage August 2011 July 2019 August 2013 Daniel did not try to escape the consequences of his decision to obey God. Tagged with Choices. January 2020 when it comes right down to it everything is a choice. All choices have consequences. January 2018 James Maciver Choices and Consequences August 2018 A Bruised Heart Consequences affect not only the one making the choice, but also families, friends, acquaintances, and the Body of Christ. The Choices We Make Have Consequences. March 2017 Our choices and decisions determine our direction and destiny. Isaiah To choose not to choose is a choice! But when it comes to the responsibility that we have to live life and to do what life asks us to do, it's probably true to say that life is a series of choices. When I Am Weak (Samson), January 2021 May you find meaning and hope as you read through each message and seek to hear God's voice. October 2018 Ed Dowd. Sometimes disease impacts our body, and we have little choice about those consequences. When you make it a practice to consciously make a decision with little things that don’t matter as much, you will be better able to make better decisions with the big things that matter more. One wise and insightful person in this room told me a few days ago, “You can’t buy a life at the dollar store.” What that means: when life is out of control you have to make hard choices, stick to doing the right thing, be faithful in your commitments. Audio (MP3) 46 MB; Previous. 76,650 others have been my guests. Daniel Nobodies Of The Gospels January 2014 All choices and decisions cost something: time, energy, finances, emotional investments, etc. 1 Timothy All choices and decisions cost something: time, energy, finances, emotional investments, etc. February 2019 April 2017 He chose Brazil. The consequences of our choices live far beyond the moment. “The Consequences of Choice” Jeremiah 17:1-18 Oftentimes a hard lesson to learn but a valuable lesson to learn is that each and every choice that we make has consequences. Trusting that you have made choices pleasing to Him, put them in His hands - Ps 37:5-6, 23-26 2. The woman who had an affair realizes, deep in her heart, that her ruined marriage was a direct consequence of her sinful choice. This sermon is about the choices we make in our daily lives, especially thos that are both for and against God. August 2020 Fruit Of The Spirit I want to suggest that if we feel unable to make … The first chapter of Ruth tells of choices made and their consequences. My words are an attempt to understand and apply the Bible to our daily living. Romans At SACC we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. God sets before us today the same choice that was before Elimelech: the choice between life and death, blessing and cursing. Choices and consequences – we cannot escape either! If you want to make your own choices, and you want the right consequences for your choices, be sure to make the right choices. March 2018 The greatest choice and decision we must make is: “What are we going to do about God’s call to salvation? We literally make thousands of choices and decisions everyday. October 2010 Making choices and moving on with our lives seems increasingly difficult. Easter January 2019 How you choose to live each day is up to you, but you have to live with the consequences. Even if we refuse to make a choice or a decision, that is a choice and a decision! N o matter who we are, all of us have made choices in our lives that have had consequences: some good, some not so good. Galatians 6:9-10 (KJV) 9 And let us not be weary … 2 Corinthians By Peter Anderson 9 Comments-The content of this website often contains affiliate links and I may be compensated if you buy through those links (at no cost to you!). Who you become will be the cumulative result of the daily choices you make. Thank you for your visit. July 2010 THE PRINCIPLE OF A WILLING CHOICE (Ruth 1:1-2) We are free to choose. Where we will be tomorrow is being determined by the choices and decisions we are making today! May 2020 Consequences (illustration) Maturity is recognizing that the choices we make carry consequences. One wise and insightful person in this room told me a few days ago, “You can’t buy a life at the dollar store.”  What that means: when life is out of control you have to make hard choices, stick to doing the right thing, be faithful in your commitments. And this isn’t a decision you can make half-heartedly. May 2016 November 2013 This is not a post about making bad choices, though you’d be forgiven if that’s the lesson you’ve drawn from it so far. July 2018 March 2013 Choice and Consequence. August 2019 Read Luke 14:31-32. November 2018 April 2019 Matthew God Without Disguise also i’m not sure if the topic is exactly accurate either. Given on Aug 10, 2013 by Ed Dowd Listen. June 2020 August 2016 October 2015 November 2011 March 2019 Let’s make choices and invest in our future! March 2012 Leave a comment to ask questions or inspire others with your insights. At SACC we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. December 2010 Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. A Front Row Seat And a certain man of Bethlehemjudah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons. September 2020 Hopefully the adults in the room have learned that lesson, and I would say to the young people to learn this lesson through information and not through a bad experience. January 2017 March 2020 Leave a comment to ask questions or inspire others with your insights.In general, the previous Sunday's sermon will be posted by Tuesday afternoon. June 2019 We are not free not to choose. Judges Seeds Of Hope July 2020 January 2016 September 2011 This is one of the distinctive qualities of humanity that separates us from the animal kingdom; animals live instinctively, humans live by choices and decisions. June 2015 When I Am Weak (Samson) January 2010 Now, He encouraged us to choose life; nevertheless, He left the choice up to us. March 2011 Every chance in life is an opportunity to choose, but once choice is made, the consequence will automatically follow. Teenage drinking often brings with it painful, irreversible consequences. Bible Passage Ruth 1:1-14 1 Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. and it is also meant for all ages. Proverbs Audio (MP3) Previous. May 2017 I had originally planned on students matching specific consequences to a few different scenarios. January 2012 CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES HAVE ANOTHER PLAN By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Kyfingers@aol.com Part #3 of 3 The Choice? Gospels Because choices have consequences. February 2016 December 2018 What consequences will your choices have? Make your choices with the understanding, "if the Lord wills" - Jm 4:13-15 3. What are we going to do with Jesus? December 2017 “The path of the righteous is like the first light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until day” (Proverbs 4:18). John Commitments lead to Consequences. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Luke Amos November 2010 God created everyone with the power to choose between good and evil. I am quite sure I have never preached about Philemon. Acts All Sometimes there are unintended consequences. April 2010 December 2019 July 2013 Weigh the Consequences. Esther Choices lead to Commitments. 2. 1. June 2013 November 2016 Mark What is true in the physical realm is also true in the spiritual realm. James January 2011 November 2020 February 2011 #3 in Choices and Consequences, God has ANOTHER PLAN, search for His Will. Since choices often result in eternally significant consequences, we must choose in line with God’s principles. The Church: Some Assembly October 2014 Hughes, Sr. Kyfingers @ aol.com Part # 3 of 3 the choice sermon on choices and consequences to receive or Him. After it is a commitment of your whole way of being not a matter of not liking the choices. 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